Sunday, October 31, 2010

Things Never Turn Out Quite Like You Plan Them

It's kind of funny how things turn out. I was really getting ready for a big move from the East coast out to the West, given the lack of job prospects I found. After having submitted probably 400-600 applications, I was still jobless. Furthermore, I wasn't even getting interviews. I'd had my resume reviewed by several career centers and specialists, had incorporated various minor changes, always tailored each resume for the specific job I was applying for and still...nothing. This month, therefore, was a little discouraging. Despite spending at least eight hours a day, sometimes more, putting in applications and searching for a job, I kept hitting dead ends.

Fortunately, I've been staying with my brother and his family, which has been an awesome experience. Playing with my nephew and niece really broke up the monotony of my days and there's nothing like the joy of a child to ease any discouragement in your heart. I'm so incredibly blessed to have family relatively close by and even more blessed that they're willing to have me stay with them for a little while.

When I started staying here, I made a promise to myself that I would not stay too long. I really didn't want to become a burden and I realized that having a prolonged house guest, even if it's family (or maybe ESPECIALLY if it's family), can quickly deteriorate into the realm of the burdensome. So I made a deal with God: if I don't have any decent job prospects by the end of October, I will assume You don't want me to stay in the East anymore and I will begin a trek west. Most of my family's out West, so I figured I could do some pretty extensive (and hopefully not too burdensome) couch-hopping out there, if needed.

Despite this "deal," I had really not expected to head west. Until about 1.5 weeks ago. As the end of the month approached, it became clear that things weren't going to break and I needed to prepare myself. So I began making plans, determining how to rid myself of all the rest of my belongings (whatever won't fit in my car), etc. etc.

And then, suddenly, everything changed. Within two days, I was called in for four interviews.


So, all my travel plans were nixed and I am staying in the East to pursue these job prospects. Hopefully something will pan out. But if not, at least I get a little break from the monotony of October's job search.

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